Carrie Jo from Washington DC
Where did you grow up?
Falls Church, VA.
How was it growing up
there, would you say that it influenced you?
I would say that it
influenced me by being a safe place where I got a good education. DC and
Richmond, VA really had the heaviest influence on me.
When did you start
getting tattoos?
When I could afford
them, so my senior year of college.
How would you describe
your style?
It depends on the
situation. I own a business full time, so I wear men’s suits every day. You
could describe that as sartorial androgyny. If I’m not at work, it’s usually
black, studs, mesh, lace, fishnets, leather, etc. with heavy makeup. So… 80’s
punk. I like to do the 60’s mod and rude girl thing every now and then too.
Do you consider tattoos
as a serious art form?
Absolutely, and anyone
who says otherwise is an idiot.
How do you see the
tattoo culture right now?
I have mixed feelings
about current tattoo culture. It’s nice that they are becoming more popular,
because it forces the community at large to recognize ones ownership over ones
own body.
What has been your
inspiration for getting them?
The only people I used
to see with tattoos growing up were old bikers. I’ll have that image in my head
forever, seeing my first tattoo as a kid. Back then; it represented itself as a
mark, indicating that this person should be feared and respected. I guess deep
down I wanted to be feared and respected.
What’s your favorite
The harpy on my right
thigh. I need to get it colored in, but it’s beautiful.
Do you catch people
starring at you because of your ink?
Yes, very often
because I love and work in an upscale part of DC. People in my neighborhood can
either be very judgmental or very fascinated.
In your opinion, do
your tattoos change your mood often?
No. Are you asking if
I get different types of tattoos based on my mood? I don’t, I’m very picky and
careful about my tattoos and I plan them out carefully.
What’s your most
significant tattoo and why?
I have tattoos on my
breasts to cover breast reduction scars. I was a 32H at one time, it was very
painful to live with and I couldn't dress myself nicely, let alone find clothes
or bras that fit. Since I got the reduction I have never been happier, and the
tattoos over the scars just completed the whole experience for me.
What advice would you
give to someone wanting to get their first tattoo?
It’s going to hurt,
don’t be a pussy.
Will you be getting
Yes, I plan to cover
most of my body eventually. My face and hands are off limits because of my
business, but that’s about it.
What’s your biggest
inspiration, what keeps you going?
My biggest
inspirations are my friends and family. They are constantly encouraging me and
supporting everything I do. I wouldn't be anywhere without them.
What is one thing that
life has taught you?
That you have to have
a thick skin.
Do you have a favorite
“She wins who calls
herself beautiful and challenges the world to change to truly see her.”- Naomi
Anything else you
would like to add?
TwitterPhotographers Credit:
Boss Lady Photography - 1,2,3.
Joe Carabeo - 4,5.
Mehli Photography - 6.
Polished Photography - 7.
Hien Trang - 8.
Maze Studio - 9