Ryker Suicide from Maryland
Where did you grow up?
MD born and raised!
I've lived all over, but I always seem to end up coming home again.
How was it growing up
there, would you say that it influenced you?
I loved growing up in
Frederick. It is such a cool city, so much history, and there is something to
be said about a town where everyone knows each other. I love having 4 distinct
seasons. I love the crabs and football, as well, of course!
When did you start
getting tattoos?
I got my first tattoo
when I was 17. It was the shamrock on my left shoulder. My little brother also
had the same tattoo done in the same place for his first when he turned 18! So,
it has a special meaning to me.
How would you describe
your style?
Haha, do I have a style?
My friends might disagree! I guess I am a punk rock girl at heart. I don’t
think much about fashion, to be honest. But I guess the black clothes and
bright colored hair and constant Rancid soundtrack throws me into that
Do you consider
tattoos as a serious art form?
Absolutely, but I also
laugh at the people who take it too seriously. You know, I have serious tattoo
pieces and others that make no sense except to my friends who were a little
drunk when we planned them. A group of my artist and local friends here, do
these fun tattoos where we get each other’s heads on animal bodies. I am about
to get my good friend Adam’s head on a bulldog before he moves to Austin this
fall. I don’t think anything in life should be taken too seriously.
How do you see the
tattoo culture right now?
I guess it’s the new
fad, which is great that it is becoming more socially acceptable. Jobs are
easier to find for tattooed folk, can’t complain about that. But I am not going
to lie, I tire a bit from constantly being approached in public by strangers
who might have tattoos as well. They think we belong in a club together and
that it’s perfectly normal for them to whip off their shirts to show me all 3
of their pieces, haha. It’s flattering people are so interested in my work, but
there is a line, people!
What has been your
inspiration for getting them?
Sometimes I have
inspiration, like my Rancid or Bright Eyes tattoos (obviously very moved by
both bands) or my Irish half sleeve. Sometimes we just think of something fun
we want to do (like my upcoming John Stamos tattoo) on the spot and just do it. That
is kind of the fun of it all, ya know?
What’s your favorite
Ahhh, I don’t know! I
really love my Rancid piece on my left leg, but the Grim Reaper holding the
lady on my left leg has my favorite art work. I think when it’s done, my 90’s
girl-themed sleeve on my right arm will be my favorite. I also love my Sriracha
Do you catch people
starring at you because of your ink?
Yes! All the time.
Staring is actually fine and I don’t mind it. But constantly being approached
with people telling me their tattoo plans gets annoying. Don’t care, bro!
In your opinion, do
your tattoos change your mood often?
Um, I’m not positive
what you mean by that. The Lord Voldemort face on my foot totes turns me on
though! Haha, I love him. Does that count?
What’s your most
significant tattoo and why?
I have a tiny star on
my right finger that symbolizes Frederick, MD. Several of my friends have this
tattoo, it’s my favorite family tattoo. We will always be connected now, and I
love my Frederick family.
What advice would you
give to someone wanting to get their first tattoo?
Don’t bring your
artist a picture of another person’s tattoo. Don’t ask your artist if it will
hurt. Don’t bring in a group of your loud friends to watch. Most
importantly, don’t compromise for a cheaper price. Save and wait. You get what
you pay for!
Will you be getting
Oh god, so many
unfinished that need to be finished, and a few I need to start! I have to
finish my left inner thigh (my buddy, Clamore Wolfmeyer, who was doing it had a
sudden relocation to Texas so I gotta get up with him to finish it). I have to
finish my right sleeve, hopefully by New Years. I am waiting to hopefully get
in with Dusty Neal to finish my Irish half sleeve on my left arm. Then I have
to start my back piece and side piece. And all the random tattoos in between!
What’s your biggest
inspiration, what keeps you going?
In life? I suppose it
is my family. My husband and son keep my face smiling in the morning when I
wake and at night when I fall asleep. Everything in my life revolves around
them. They are my entire world.
What is one thing that
life has taught you?
Don’t take it too
seriously. There is always a reason to laugh, even when things seem as shitty
as possible. Find a reason to smile.
Do you have a favorite
I do! It actually is a
quote from my favorite movie, Gone With The Wind, and inspired my future side
piece. “Do not squander time, for it is the stuff life is made of.”
It was written on the Twelve Oaks sundial in a still scene just before
the big barbecue where Scarlett meets Rhett.
Anything else you
would like to add?
Haha, that feels so hipster to say. But I like the attitude behind it!Photographer's credit:
Lab Rat Photography by Dylan Borgman - 1, 3, 4.
SoBelle Photography - 2.
Michael Davis - 5.
All photos are copyrighted to SuicideGirls.