Where were you born and where are you from?
Ohio and from Cleveland.
How did you get introduced to the tattoo culture?
I was looking for a career in art and by that time I figured
I was too old to do anything else.
When did you get started?
Almost 6 years ago now.
Do you remember the first tattoo that you did?
I do, it was a small Jerry bear on a friend that turned out
How would you describe your style of tattooing?
Colorful and fun, but most people call it realism.
What were you doing before you got into the tattoo business,
and what made you change?
I was working a corporate job, they kept paying our benefits
and that was the only real reason I stayed there, then I seriously hurt my back
and just decided to get back into art.
What influences your artwork?
UM…. I don't know, a lot of cartoons, comics and red bull.
What advice would you give to someone looking to get their
first tattoo?
Do your homework and spend the money, in this day and age
there is no excuse to end up with a bad tattoo, be patient and don't price
Do you see yourself doing anything other than tattooing?
Who knows man, I just do what makes me happy, and if
tattooing stops making me happy then I’d walk away and never do it again.
Do you have a favorite quote?
"Do or do not there is no try" (Yoda).
What’s your biggest inspiration, what keeps you going?
Right now it’s Ashley (my girlfriend), she found me at a
shitty time in my life and picked me up, and she is without a doubt my muse.
What is one thing that life has taught you?
Regardless of what others tell you any goal you want you can
achieve, you just have to bust your ass to get there.
Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
Hopefully living in the U.K. tattooing and having fun.
Anything else you would like to add?
As usual I need to thank Rodney Rose, if it weren't for him
and Stevil I’d still be working a dead end job and hating life.
If you'd like to see my work check out